Thursday, October 27, 2005 

Speak up or be forced to shut up - RHB

Now is the time to do something....

Unless you've spent the last few weeks in a state of unconsciousness you have most probably heard a reference or two to the (RHB) Religious Hatred Bill.

Introducing legislation that protects citizens from people intent on inciting religious violence sounds like an excellent idea, but unfortunately the government is trying to rush this one through even though many people have pointed out that as it stands the bill could be used to unfairly restrict and criminalise those speaking Christian beliefs in a 'non offensive or aggressive manner'.

This article does the whole issue far more justice than I could.
Now that the Lords have rejected the bill as it stands, the house of commons has the choice of accepting the amendments suggested by the Lords which make sense to me, or pushing through the existing bill as it stands. The best step to take now is to personally lobby your local MP to not push it through. You can find out who your MP is here and even found out how they originally voted on this bill here so that you know whether you need to lobby them. And if you don't know what exactly to write or say, there's even a suggestion here

Looks like Gillian Merron will be hearing from a few Lincoln constituents...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 

Gay activist Starbucks?

Interesting article here about Startbucks involvement in Gay Pride. Also quite some controversy over the 'Gay' cups


Love we need

"We need at times, some of us at most times, that Charity from others which, being Love Himself in them, loves the unlovable. But this, though a sort of love we need, is not the sort we want. We want to be loved for our cleverness, beauty, generosity, fairness, usefulness. The first hint that anyone is offering us the highest love of all is a terrible shock." C. S. Lewis, The Four Loves

Monday, October 17, 2005 

Goodbye Wifi?

Well this might not be ground breaking news to those that don't live in sleepy Lincolnshire but it's sad news if you subscribe to the notion of cheeky wifi piggybacking. As the BBC report suggests, this might just the end free wifi as we know it.

Friday, October 14, 2005 

Enough to make you sick?

Some products will never be destined for the UK market


Maxwell Million Leaders Mandate

Just attended the first session of Maxell's Million Leaders Mandate and I must admit that I came away pleasantly surprised. Being aware of some of Maxell's book titles, I guess I was expecting a '25 steps to having a mega church' type deal, but the content and approach was fantastic. I got some great soundbites (as expected) which will be finding there way onto the blog at some point.

Unmet needs can be an indicator of a growing church.....

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