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Friday, February 10, 2006 

Salvation Challenge - A game for the whole family!!

Well enough of the "Why haven't you blogged for soooo long" already. I've got no excuses other than I have far too many dreams that need fulfilling, jobs that need completing and people that need the Belcher touch. Something like that anyway.
I think that after checking this out though you will agree that I have redeemed myself with this discovery.


Here's the description from some guy:

"So", you ask, "how does one play this amazing new game?" Well, it's simple really. You start at the cross (how spiritual of them) and you and your friends roll the die until you reach Cavalry, where you--and this is truly the best part--slap a red sticker on your head and shout, "Jesus saved me!" then go directly to the river Jordan to be baptized.

But, that's just where the "fun" begins. The object of the game is not to gain the most money, like in some board games, but to give a million dollars away to Missionary causes. The first person to do this wins the game!

Seriously, go watch this video and prepare to be amazed as a grown man places a red sticker on his forward and screams "Jesus Save Me" in front of the church leaders assembled to watch...or maybe gawk is a better word.

I probably should have warned people at the start of the blog that they may find my cynical approach to 'evangelism aids' offensive. Oh well, too late now....
I just can't wait to see when they are going to create the worlds first 'Salvation' theme park.

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