Monday, October 25, 2004 

Ouch that hurt

Just finished a sposored 36 mile walk along the river Witham in Lincolnshire to raise funds for Lincoln New Life Courtyard Project. We had a fantastic time, but would reccomend to anyone who's thinking of walking 36 Miles to maybe train by doing a few shorter walks first! The last 6-9 miles were really tough and the jokes were few and far between by this stage, but at least we made it. We were a little dissapointed that there wasn't anywhere to eat at Langrick but enjoyed a nice hot pasty in Chapel Hill (thanks for letting us use the microwave chief!) Things certainly got better from there including a very nice roast beef dinner and warm shower at Eric & Heathers and a full English breakfast in the morning. Result! We also discovered a great place to eat in Bardney opposite the Bards pub. We had a great Thai curry with a serious afterkick. They didn't even kick us out when Alan took his shoes and socks off! If you like long walks and not many places to stop off at, then give this a try. If you would like to contribute to my sponsorship of this walk, drop me an email. I think I may have to post a few of the things that came to mind during the walk :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 

Fast show fun

After using this clip several times in talks to illustrate 'how not to do it' I thought I'd stick it here for people to view. No matter how many times I see it, I still can't help giggling at the cum-ba-yah bit. Have you ever seen worse?

Friday, October 15, 2004 

Ignorance is bliss?

Mystery is but another name for ignorance; if we were omniscient, all would be perfectly plain! Tryon Edwards

I couldn't help but wonder what it is going to be like when I finally get to heaven. I started to think that I might just feel like you do when you have just won monopoly against the computer; pleased of the victory but kind of unsure of what to do next.

I probably feel like that because of the lense that I see life through now. If I only knew how awesome it will be to have all mysteries revealed perhaps I wouldn't be so concerned of whether I might just be bored!

How on earth you do begin to comprehend heaven?

Tuesday, October 12, 2004 

Socks & Sandals

I can't believe it, the strain on Becks over the tactical foul has resulted in a rather nasty socks & sandals episode. If this isn't enough to upset you, try looking here for more action:


I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know:

"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve." Albert Schweitzer

Read this today and then thought "how hard do I seek to serve?"

Going to try and stir up more selfless service seeking each day. Wow that was a mouthful!


Heretical ornaments

I believe that this is a heretical ornament. Why is Jesus holding the ball high instead of letting the children play?! (not to mention that sandals and robe might not be the most liberating basketball apparel) If you really do still need to satisfy your desire for tacky ornaments try here

Monday, October 11, 2004 

Look me in the eye and say that

Had a great night @ Gener8 last night. We ended up doing some group work around morality. Very interesting to discover young people's ideas around the need for ethics and morality. We also tried an exercise where you had to encourage someone by saying something positive to them without breaking eye contact. I personally think it is harder to maintain good eye contact when receiving praise than it is when you are giving it.

It reminded me of a "secret men's business" workshop I took part in last year @ Soul Survivor in Melbourne. Sounds a little dodgy I know, but it was the male equivalent to the Soul Sister seminar stuff. It was basically a session for blokes to get together and celebrate our Masculinity! Lots of deep chanting and talking guy stuff. One of the exercises I remember really well though was when we had to walk around the venue like when playing musical chairs. At the given command we had to stop and shake hands with the person next to you in the style of:

1. Someone who doesn’t care who you are
2. A distant relative
3. The typical alpha male
4. The tele evangelist.

Lastly you had to hug another guy you had never met before and hold each other long enough for you each of you to say your whole name and address. To make it even harder, you were not allowed to give each other an "I'm not gay...." pat on the back. Really difficult that last bit.

Try it sometime; especially in Tesco's or the local Shell petrol station with someone you've never met before.

Actually probably best not to...

Friday, October 08, 2004 

Mr Men
This is a must for all memory laners. Make your own Mr Man! (or little Miss...) You even get to personalise it. Far too much fun to be had.



I got this email the other day and am sat here grinning days after just thinking about it. Man my sides hurt when I first read it. Laughter really is best medicine unless you have your jaw wired....

>Generally, I hate the warnings that get sent around, but I have to admit
>that this one is important. Please protect everyone you know by sending this
>to your entire email list.
>If a man comes to your front door and says he is conducting a survey and
>asks you to show him your bum, do NOT show him your bum. This is a scam - he
>only wants to see your bum.
> >I wish I'd got this yesterday. I feel so stupid and cheap.


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