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Monday, October 25, 2004 

Ouch that hurt

Just finished a sposored 36 mile walk along the river Witham in Lincolnshire to raise funds for Lincoln New Life Courtyard Project. We had a fantastic time, but would reccomend to anyone who's thinking of walking 36 Miles to maybe train by doing a few shorter walks first! The last 6-9 miles were really tough and the jokes were few and far between by this stage, but at least we made it. We were a little dissapointed that there wasn't anywhere to eat at Langrick but enjoyed a nice hot pasty in Chapel Hill (thanks for letting us use the microwave chief!) Things certainly got better from there including a very nice roast beef dinner and warm shower at Eric & Heathers and a full English breakfast in the morning. Result! We also discovered a great place to eat in Bardney opposite the Bards pub. We had a great Thai curry with a serious afterkick. They didn't even kick us out when Alan took his shoes and socks off! If you like long walks and not many places to stop off at, then give this a try. If you would like to contribute to my sponsorship of this walk, drop me an email. I think I may have to post a few of the things that came to mind during the walk :)

Great Blog mate!

I'll blogroll you....

Nice one Carl. That Mr Benger has a lot to answer for! He got me hooked on this thing as well. Happy posting.

Thanks you 2. I agree Mr Benger has a lot to answere for!

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